Editor’s note: For those who do not know, Angelina and Emily are Substack friends, work friends, real-life friends, and neighbors. This is their Fall state of the union address. ENJOY!
posting straight to grid
Angelina: This has been a huge unlock for me recently, stemming from a night out with Valerie in which we made an agreement to do a joint Instagram post in-the-moment at some point before the night was over. I think taking a picture and then immediately posting it to your Instagram (grid, not story) takes the seriousness out of sharing and feels more like posting an AIM status or a stupid tweet or like posting from a Pear Pad on iCarly. MAKE INSTAGRAM CASUAL AGAIN !!!!!
Emily: As someone who loves a curated photo dump from time to time… I feel like we’ve been art directing our life a little too seriously lately. Trying to become a personal brand will inevitably make you forget who you actually are and end up with yellow Onitsuka Tiger sneakers and a “vintage” betty boop t-shirt you no longer want. Don’t overthink it. Your life should be lived straight to grid!!!!!
back-to-school rituals
Angelina: I look forward to my back-to-school rituals eve›ry year. I love September. I love Fall. My personal back-to-school rituals are as follows:
Buying “back-to-school" shoes, which my mom still generously sponsors so that it feels extra authentic (this year’s shoes are my favorite ones yet)
Re-reading The Catcher in the Rye
Cleaning out my closet and peddling my wares to 2nd Street Vintage and Buffalo Exchange (I actually got more than $37 this year)
Buying a fall-scented candle for my home (I already went through my REPLICA By the Fireplace candle and now have a $12 pumpkin candle from TJMaxx to balance things out)
Getting a back-to-school HAIRCUT which I haven’t yet scheduled because I’m traumatized from chopping my hair last December. That was a huge, impulsive mistake. Please never let me do that again. I’m a long hair girl for life. (By the time this is published, I will actually have had my haircut since I scheduled it after writing. If I don’t like it, you WILL know about it.)
Emily: I discussed this a bit in the piece I wrote about The Cardigan but I love the feeling of back to school even when I’m not in school. I read longer books, I buy new sneakers, I tell my friends that we’re gonna do things like sunday dinners. The refreshed energy after just sweating and laying in the summer is sooo intoxicating
shopping in person
Emily: One of my least favorite qualities about myself is how I sometimes get overwhelmed and outsource some of my errands to a*azon. I LOVE shopping in person for everything…. Duct tape, candles, sneakers, paper towels, art… ANYTHING! I think it might have something to do with the fact that I worked retail for almost 8 years in high school/college and LOVED IT. I really respect and value my interactions in store and the future relationships that can be spurred. GO SHOPPING IN PERSON NOW!
Angelina: I LOVE BRICK & MORTAR !!!!! I have always said this! I stand by it! I’m not buying dry shampoo from Amazon I’m going to the LOCAL APOTHECARY!!!!!! Lunch on Friday does NOT endorse the Jeff Bezos Boutique!!!!!!
Emily: Angelina you have full right to hold me accountable everytime you see a amazon package for me by our mailboxes
Angelina: And I will.
being whimsical
Angelina: I recently interviewed the wonderful and beautiful and talented and WHIMSICAL Dora Jar about her new album, and when I called it whimsical, she agreed, noting how people have been using that word a lot. Whimsy is IN.
Emily: So, this one was added after I commented “you’re so whimsical” on our friend Clay’s Instagram post (pictured below)… And It just feels like the vibe right now (for lack of a better phrase), I am trying to float around downtown manhattan like a little fairy this fall because nothing is ever really that serious which brings us to our next In…..
low-stakes fall
Angelina: Low-Stakes Fall! Low-Stakes Fall! Do whatever you want. Wear whatever you want. Post whatever you want. No one cares and you shouldn’t either. Low stakes.
Emily: I am a naturally intense/ambitious person, which can bleed into me taking things waaaaaay too seriously. A few summers ago I got a tattoo on my arm that said “lighten up!” (wrote about that here), because whenever I reflect on periods of my life or how I handled situations I always wish I just lightened up… Nothing is ever that serious !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was grabbing coffee (without my airpods.. Keep reading) and I heard these girls discussing ad NAUSEAM what instagram pictures they should post like they were a multi-million dollar brand… I really just wanted to tell them… No one cares. Not in a mean way, but in a refreshing way. Quite frankly, everything is low stakes.
walking around without airpods AND without your phone (also in: eavesdropping)
Emily: So, the week we added this to our shared notes app, Angelina and I ran into each other in our neighborhood and both times Angelina was presently walking with her phone in her bag and without her airpods and both times I had my phone in my hand and my airpods in… but I will say I have tried to not listen to anything on my walk to work in the morning and I’ve noticed I feel a lot calmer. You also hear insane gossip about people that have nothing to do with you (which is the best kind). Just this morning on my 5 minute walk to a workout class at 8 am I heard:
A toddler having a meltdown and a mom patiently telling her, “things are never as bad as they are in your head” and I smiled at the toddler and thought to myself, “girllllll good luck”
A girl tell her boyfriend, “if you leave me to watch the game again this weekend we’re breaking up I swear to god”
My super waving at me from across the street saying, “good morning sweetie” (in a non-creepy way)
Two boys coming back from Equinox most likely saying “she’s like, bad for sure but not in an obvious way… you know?” (I literally don’t)
Angelina: Someone commented on my more recent strangers essay saying, “I need to know your thoughts on people who wear headphones all the time... I assume you're not one of them?” This is correct—I am not.
First of all, when Airpods originally came out, I was so against them, and it took me a while to buy a pair. I think they make all of us look like aliens. I genuinely think they are so ridiculous looking. I have not gotten used to the look of Airpods, but that’s not my main point. I think Airpods have become a catalyst for shutting humans out to each other even more so than our iPhones already were. Don’t get me wrong—I love music, and it is a huge part of my life. When I’m in my apartment, there is always music coming out of my living room speakers (and I have the disgruntled texts from my neighbor to prove it). When I’m walking outside, however, I try to make it a point to take in my surroundings and the energy of those around me. This is probably why I have so many notable interactions with strangers, because I’m a very approachable person. Emily and I joked earlier this week that I need to become less approachable…
Now on the phone piece (sorry I have a lot of thoughts on this), I’ve also been making an effort to walk with my phone tucked away in whichever bag I’m carrying. If I know where I’m going, there is absolutely no need to pull my phone out. If I have to wait for a friend somewhere, there’s no need to go on my phone—that’s what the book in my bag is for. Always carry literature! (If you haven’t yet read our Modern-Day Etiquette Guide, now is your chance.)l
Emily: Also, if you wear your airpods when ordering coffee/checking out… respectfully, get it together and have a conversation with people in real life.
showing face/being somewhere for 30 mins/going out without getting “ready”
Emily: This is one of the biggest soapboxes I stand on, I think a lot of people end up not going to events/parties/gatherings because it seems like a production between putting on makeup, an outfit, commuting, and staying somewhere for 2+ hours. THIS IS ALL FAKE! You could literally show up somewhere in a t-shirt and no one would even notice, I love having a few conversations and leaving early which keeps my social battery charged and my sleep schedule somewhat in-tact. No one is thinking about you!! Unless it is like your best friend’s birthday party you do not need to be somewhere for longer than you want, quality over quantity!
Angelina: Completely, completely, completely agree. I was recently invited to a birthday party on a Tuesday for someone I love whom I hadn’t seen in a while. I wanted to show up for her, but I was also very aware that 10pm on a Tuesday is not ideal for a corporate girl like me, so I ended up going to the party for ~30 minutes, and it was perfect. I dressed in a baggy t-shirt with a vintage petticoat underneath, gave the birthday girl her birthday card, sipped on a water, and walked home before the space got too crowded, making it into bed by 11:30. It meant a lot to the birthday girl that I was there to see her and that I brought her a handwritten card, and I was happy I took the time to do so. I love showing face.
setting people up
Emily: So, in our last ins and outs we said that dating apps are out (which they still are) but upon retrospect that feels a bit negative because we didn’t offer up any tangible solutions… the solution is to set your friends up. If you think that someone may be a good fit with someone, set them up!!!!!! You could give a speech and their wedding and have good karma for life (I’m sure that’s how that works). I LOVE LOVE!
Angelina: I love a set-up. I met a really sweet guy on a train from Connecticut to New York recently, whom I’d love to set up with one of my friends. He subscribed to my Substack, but I don’t have his number or anything. Chris, if you’re reading this, please message me on Instagram. :) Also, Chris, if you’re reading this, I haven’t rewatched Shrek 2 yet, but it’s on my list.
Emily: CHRIS ❤️❤️❤️❤️
intergenerational friendships
Emily: My first job in high school was being a shampoo girl at a hair salon, I took this job because I did not want to play sports and my parents thought that I should “do something”, my grandmother and mom were really close with the woman who owned the hair salon they went to and swindled a job for me (I guess I’m a shampoo girl nepo baby). It was one of the best jobs I’ve ever had because I made so many intergenerational friendships, I had my regular clients who would be 80+ year old women who came in once a week just to get their hair washed, I had moms who had children my age, I had middle aged men going through divorces amidst mid-life crises…It was the BEST! They all knew when I was having a good day or a bad day, they gave me flowers when I committed to college and we all shed tears when I left. I feel like these relationships informed a lot of why I am the way I am. I have been told I am very mature and independent which I think has a lot to do with how I learned from people at all stages of life during high school which is one of the most malleable periods.
Angelina: I would be nothing without my 43-year-old friend that I met on Twitter and only talk about music with. I would be nothing without my 96-year-old grandmother who recently passed away but was genuinely one of my best friends. I would be nothing without my 5-year-old friend Nina in the West Village who lets me read Angelina Ballerina to her because it’s both of our favorite books. I would be nothing without the 50-something-year-old guys at SoHo Apothecary who talk about the Steelers with me every time I walk by on Thompson Street. I would be nothing without Izzy, Sam, and Lucas. (hahaha)
Emily: One more thing- age is a fake construct. I feel like some people are weird about being friends with people older/younger than them but that really shouldn’t matter and it’s pretty boring and limiting to box yourself into those parameters
having a business card
Angelina: When I went on a work trip to Portland a few weeks ago, I met so many vendors who asked me for my card, and I DIDN’T HAVE ONE. For someone who is obsessed with stationery and etiquette and being Old School, this was EXTREMELY FRUSTRATING TO ME. I literally had a business card in high school for no reason (lmao)—I should definitely have one now. I’m going to order business cards this fall. I’m doing business.
Emily: Loving this idea… Think of all the design possibilities…
asking to taste ice cream flavors
Emily: I am a creature of habit, which is also something I am trying to work on. By being a creature of habit that means I usually get the same ice cream flavor (probably something coffee/espresso… Maybe peanut butter if I’m being crazy) and I usually get nervous asking to try ice cream flavors because in New York there is pretty much always a line for anything these days. I got ice cream over the summer and asked to try a jersey blueberry flavor and I still think about it at least once a week- TLDR: try something new and don’t feel bad about it.
Angelina: The difference between Salt & Straw and Morgenstern’s is that when you ask for a sample at Salt & Straw, they let you try as many as you want and recommend additional flavors you might like and offer to pay your rent for a month and pick up your dry-cleaning, whereas at Morgenstern's, they give you a restraining order if you ask to try a sample. I’m so happy Salt & Straw is finally open in New York.
Emily: I need to go to Salt & Straw so badly oh my goddddddddddd
dining alone
Angelina: Well, this is the basis for Lunch on Friday, so you already know my thoughts. I will add, however, that I think there’s something very low-stakes about dining alone, to tie this into our fall ins and outs. It’s a very reflective experience. I cannot recommend it enough (but again, you knew this).
Emily: I am definitely not as good as Angelina, but whenever I travel by myself I love dining alone. Someone we know moved here from Shanghai and even though she's been here for 2+ years she still treats living here like she’s traveling (in a non-touristy/annoying way). Last friday afternoon she was just enjoying a slice of cake and a glass of wine at Casetta in the Lower East Side by herself and I thought to myself, “why can’t that be me… “ Again, this is probably a symptom of me being a routine oriented person which is Out for Fall- rituals are In, routine is Out.
giving a reason for why you can't make it (overheard while getting coffee: “just tell em you aren’t coming i don’t need a paragraph”)
Emily: I am a People Pleaser and I Love My Friends, because of this I feel really bad saying no and if I do have to say no I’ll give an insanely lengthy reason why and am hyperbolic as to emphasize the deep regret. Just saying, “thank you so much!!!! I can’t make it that night but really appreciate the invite” is more effective and feels much cooler for some reason.
Angelina: Emily and I have gotten very good at protecting our Friday nights. I typically stay in on Friday nights because I’m exhausted from the work week and my weeknight social activities, and I want to be well-rested for my 9:15 AM Pilates class on Saturday morning and whatever plans I have that night. Part of this requires saying no to certain plans, and let me put this clearly: it is completely okay to say no to plans and invites. Good friends understand this. Learn to embrace JOMO (the joy of missing out). It's amazing…
Emily: Not to brag, but I was awarded the “Best Dressed” superlative in both middle school and high school, I say this to say, I probably heard “why are you so dressed up??????” at least once a day. Don’t be weird and say this. Maybe you should dress better?
Angelina: Emily added this one, and I’m so happy she did because it is the story of my life. On dress-down days in middle and high school, all the girls would wear yoga pants except for me. I wouldn’t wear anything crazy, but I would wear actual clothing and not athletic attire. I was always getting the, “Why are you so dressed up?” comment and it used to bother me so much as a kid because I couldn’t understand how they thought my outfit was considered overdressed. I also couldn’t understand why they cared so much. I’ve always dressed how I wanted without worrying about what others are wearing, and it’s one of my favorite things about myself. I hardly ever send the “what are you wearing” text because it doesn’t matter what anyone else is wearing. I’m going to dress how I want!!!!! (Ineloquent side note: I have a tweet in my drafts that says, “i never worry about whether i’m underdressed or overdressed because i have interminable swag”)
letting others decide your value
Angelina: All press is good press. It’s just noise, baby.
Emily: Been thinking a lot about this lately, the more I am perceived the more I find myself equating my value to whatever made up perception I have deemed other people have of me. I am aware this is a waste of time and none of it matters, the more I tailor myself to the perception of others the more watered down/boring/people pleasey I become. OUT!
stressing about being late to something that doesn’t matter
Emily: I really really really hate being late. I like to think of myself as a fairly on time person (if we are friends and you disagree with this let me know), but I tend to get extremely anxious if I’m late to things that literally do not matter. If I am just going over to a friend’s house and I am 10 minutes late I start to panic- life is too short to stress about being slightly late!!!!!!!!!!!!! It’s fine! (Obviously for things that have a hard start time like dinner reservations or movies you should try to be on time.)
Angelina: No need to stress because everything in life happens the way it’s supposed to etc etc etc
being hungover ever again
Emily: I’m the one that added this because the week leading up to Angelina’s birthday party I said to someone, “I really don’t drink that much… idk I think those days are just behind me. I can't imagine being super hungover” and thus proceeded to summon the worst hangover of my life post-party. Never again (and I mean it!). I did drink all of the below at her party which might have had something to do with it
2 glasses of natural wine
a celsius + vodka (you can see this is where things start to take a turn)
2 coors lights (maybe 3, unsure)
a gin martini
a whiskey shot
Angelina: Probably the most annoying thing about me is that I never get hungover, so I don’t really have anything to add here. Emily drinking the vodka + celsius at my birthday party is a new core memory for both of us, though. I watched her pour that into one of the black Solo cups on my kitchen counter and I was like ???????
waiting to venmo request your friends and forgetting about it
Emily: I don’t know why I am so bad at this. I tend to let little admin tasks like these pile up until I forget or am forced to do something about it… which is an absolutely horrible quality. I think I’m going to start setting reminders for the next day- if you’re my friend and you’re reading this please hold me accountable..
Angelina: I’m very good at managing the Venmo situation if I’m the one who put my card down, but I have a mental sh*t list of friends who are not. No one wants to receive a charge for the $70-per-person dinner from 3 months ago that everyone’s forgotten about. Stay on top of your finances.
Emily: I can attest that Angelina is great at this. Always timely and I appreciate that as a friend and someone who is not on top of my finances.
apologizing for your work
Angelina: Chuckling to myself in the coffee shop because this is the last item on the list that we both have yet to fill out as I type this. Emily and I are very nice girls. We really are. We care about others and want people to be happy. In her last Substack post, Emily added a note at the end that she was sorry it wasn’t as long as her usual posts and sorry that there might be a few typos and this and that. I texted her and said that we need to stop apologizing at the end of our essays. I do it too, but I’m not going to do it anymore. We are so grateful for all of you who read our work, and I feel confident that many of you are stickin’ with us. LOVE YOU GUYS !!!!!
Emily: Hahahahaha - I am s*rry I do this. I think for me, the line between being self aware and unnecessarily self deprecating is sooooooooooo thin. I do value being self aware, but I am also extremely hard on myself in all aspects of my life which I don’t even realize at times so I am a bit of an unreliable narrator when it comes to my work. I am going to stop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You all get me by now, no need to apologize.. The stakes are lowwwwwwwww.
Angelina: Are you serious did you really just apologize again
THANK YOU FOR READING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Much to come in the Cake for Lunch multiverse, stay tuned <3 We love you!
reading this cured my period cramps somehow. miss u guys
Yes to intergenerational friendships! That's what I miss most about church: Rick talking about how he swooped his wife Linda from her fiancé (his best friend) 40 years ago or Bea tending the neighborhood bar in Nowheres, ND through WWII as a 14 year old girl cause all the men had been drafted. The gossip ages like fine wine.