reading this cured my period cramps somehow. miss u guys

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Yes to intergenerational friendships! That's what I miss most about church: Rick talking about how he swooped his wife Linda from her fiancé (his best friend) 40 years ago or Bea tending the neighborhood bar in Nowheres, ND through WWII as a 14 year old girl cause all the men had been drafted. The gossip ages like fine wine.

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My great aunt got married for the first time in her 80s (after breaking off many engagements 💅) and her stories about how she beat out all the other little old ladies at the Catholic church to win Verne’s affections were so funny. Many an octogenarian tried to seduce the handsome new widower in the congregation, but she prevailed.

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One of her fiancées was a pilot and went on a mission to try and find Amelia Earhart, and I still remember her saying “of course, he wasn’t successful.” ☠️

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my life always improves the minute I remind myself a) no one cares and b) almost everything can be solved by putting your phone down... and honorary c) other people's gossip is the best gossip

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so ready for a low stakes fall in this vibes based economy

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I currently put my phone in my inside jacket pocket and I feel like James Bond every time I reach in to take it out…really recommend b/c I prefer it over my front jean pocket & you forget about it but you look super cool taking it out

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This is my favorite series in the world

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adore you

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Heavy agree on intergenerational friendships! I love love love my late 70s-ish neighbors 🥹

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so special

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wait hi I'm reading all your substacks tonight because i forgot my password to my old substack and had to make a new one - keep me posted on Chris lmao

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Per usual loved this post. Wish I was in NYC because I would totally love to have a dinner party.

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You two are so cool!!!! I say this to myself everytime I'm reading your work. (Aaaand I would definitely come to your dinner party if I lived on the other side of Atlantic)

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stop that is so sweet - thank you. i wish you could come!!!!

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The dinner party totally depends on when I'm getting my paycheck haha, but as a new reader and aspiring cool girl (not in the Gone Girl type way, but the I want to grow into myself and love myself so much that other girls find me a comforting presence type of way), it sounds absolutely delightful.

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not in a gone girl way sent me

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would love to have you!!! welcome 💘

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I met my husband on a set-up!!! I was 28 and sitting on my kitchen counter one night at 2am when out of nowhere my friend’s new boyfriend was like “Hey you should meet this guy I know who just moved to town” and I was like “…Ok I’ve got nothing better to do”

(I was not even looking for a relationship and was comfortably ensconced in a situationship with a very beautiful disaster of a boy at the time. I don’t know why I agreed to be set up, I loathe “dating” and had never done anything like this before.)

We exchanged numbers and texted for a couple weeks before our schedules aligned. It was as damn near close to love at first sight as you can get.

We’ve been together twelve years, married nine, he’s still the best person I know.

Say yes to the set-ups!!!!

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I LOVE THIS !!!!!! what an amazing story, thank you for sharing!! YES to the set-ups!!!!

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I'm making my own list in addition to this now🤗 you guys have inspired me

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Can you send reccs for business cards? Like is there a website? Is there a template? This girls needs to know.

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i'll prob make mine on canva!!!

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Love. Love. Love. Agree with every point and this was so cutely written, it truly felt like a convo between friends 🤍

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co-signing absolutely all of this but please lmk what business card design you end up going with bc i’m curious

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