emphatic YES to all of this! I also think pinterest can be so helpful for keeping track of things you like from *outside* of the app – I love using the browser extension to upload random clothing or inspo photos I find while shopping instead of clogging up my phone with screenshots, and this process has really helped me stop paying attention to the explore feed.

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oh this is GREAT- i’m going to try this.. thank you so much for reading D.J. !!!

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Whats your pinterest ? I'm always looking for mutuals

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I loveee the photo gallery at the end

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thank you!!

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You are not wrong!

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i love it too! one of my fave parts of emily’s substack

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I completely agree about Pinterest! I got a subscription last year to Architectural Digest and that alone was so creatively nourishing! I think it’s good to switch things up! If anyone has any recs for good print magazines, I’d love to hear them!

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not a print magazine but I do love the book issue of Never too small, I think they have 2 out now

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YES!!! I love watching movies by myself, but almost never do it for the exact reason you listed. And while I love the cinema and definitely want to go more, what I really want to do is stay home and stream some older movies I missed out on when they were showing, so that I can pause whenever I like and make notes.

People-watching too, I love doing that. I don't live in NYC but Brighton UK is an amazing place to see people wearing outlandish things (I wrote about that in my own newsletter a while ago).

As for online inspiration - I'm not on Pinterest but still use tumblr in 2024, because there is no algorithm! It feels like a much more natural Internet, and I follow so many fascinating unique people on there who all post their own unique collections of things. I recommend.

Thank you for writing! 🖤

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!!!! this is all so good, i’m so glad this resonated with you holly!!!! always appreciate your insights and perspective ❤️❤️❤️

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1000% yes to all of this!! Another big source of inspo for me (that is kinda similar to pinterest I guess) is my screenshot folder

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i think this is different !!! it requires more effort and cultivation on your end!! long live the screenshot folder

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I recently read a book on neuroscience, specifically about addiction and the pain and pleasure response in the brain. While addictive substances/habits (like social media) can numb the brain’s response to dopamine over time due to oversaturation, the opposite is true as well: enduring little doses of pain (boredom, discomfort, etc) actually causes a release of dopamine in response (ex. cold showers, runner’s high etc.)

That’s how I’ve been thinking of creative effort lately, a little bit of initial discomfort and exertion for the reward of a healthy and moderate dopamine release (plus the fruit of whatever creative labor, of course). Pain can be used as a tool, and certain difficulties can actually contribute to our brain health over time when we are not constantly overstimulating ourselves :)

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as a corporate girlie, “energetic dividends” is such a cool word haha

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❤️❤️❤️ thank you!!!

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the snoopy keychain photo just reminded me—i started reading your substack a couple days ago, just now finished reading every single one lmao. the fact that i was on the train today and saw someone wearing a snoopy shirt and thought of you. it’s so insane how much writing connects people, and how i have no idea who you are other than what i read in your writing but i know you like snoopy. lol. words are so crazy!!! life is crazy!!!

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brianna!! this made my day!!!!!!!!!!!! life is SOOO CRAZY !!!! thank you so much for reading it truly means the world. snoopy forever!!

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That strokes song is permanent inspiration 💗

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I think I found my new favourite newsletter

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the extroverted introvert part is so real omg

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as one of the new little angels, i'm happy i found this app and that it led me to you! everthing about this was truly inspiring and i loved every second i spent with it. i also looved the pictures that inspired you in someway - what a great detail to include!

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This is so good; honestly, it inspires me to move to New York one day. i crave art, i feel and being from a small town as a creative can honestly be difficult. Thank you for sharing.

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Now that you mentioned it..I haven’t people watched in a minute and I need to again!

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hell yea!

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this is incredible! thank you for writing this, loveee all the photos <3

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i wasn’t going to comment initially because I was so thrown off by the variety of your content (considering how i usually take a double before trying something new) although I am an extroverted introvert too hehe, but god i had so much fun reading this!!! thank you for taking up space on here and making my reading worthwhile!! sending you love <33

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